Pukas Shirt City Collage


City Flower | A Real Homage to City Flowers

Flowers have always been present in our collection but this time we’ve made something totally different. City Flowers have caught our artistic eye and we wanted you to notice them as something worth doing so: flowers that grow on the asphalt. Nature is unstoppable and life, making its way through cement, is a pure act of rebelion.

We wanted to homage this rebel nature and color spray was the tool that we though most appropriate for it. Color spray is king in all kinds of.

Urban art forms and that is why we’re created this collections prints and graphics expressed in a mix of beach and street wear.

A complete harmonious collection when it comes to color palette and graphics expressed in a mix of beach a street wear.

Bring your rebel out to play.

Lilac Blue

100% >Viscose

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